5 Secrets to Serenity and Girl Power, #InMyKitchen
I'm delighted Maureen of OrgasmicChef.com peeked #InMyKitchen and invited me to share. Maureen is the epitome of serenity and girl power. Despite Life’s curve balls, she stands tall. (To read her story go to OrgasmicChef.com.) Maureen also proves her prowess in the kitchen with do-able gourmet dishes and desserts. I’m grateful for Maureen’s inspiration and invite to her #InMyKitchen party.
#GirlPower! March 3rd is Girls' Day in Japan
Serenity and – firmly standing in my feminine self – Girl Power – go hand-in-hand. When I’m being nice to myself, I notice giving to others comes from a fuller place. By the way, Maureen and Japanese (March 3rd) Girls’ Day inspired contemplation of serenity and girl power. (Currently called Children’s Day by those who are especially PC or politically correct.) So, here are the 5 Secrets to Serenity and Girl Power found in my kitchen.
1. Celebrate Victories…Even the Small Ones
The Secret to Amazing Ice Cream:
Japanese Girls' Day Rice Crackers!
For one-dollar I picked up an authentic Made in Japan bowl. After breaking into a happy dance inside, I treated myself to a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. A sprinkle of Japanese Girls’ Day rice crackers served as the garnish. The sweet crunchy puffs compliment the smooth ice cream perfectly…Better than Captain Crunch cereal!
2. Paint it Pretty
Practically Perfect in Every Way Purple Perilla Bento
Table for one? Even if a solo dinner is in a Whole Foods take-away box, it’s important to arrange the food artistically on a pretty plate…or bento box! (Some women collect shoes. I have a penchant for bento boxes!) We wouldn’t serve Kate Middleton or Queen Elizabeth on anything but our best China (or Japanese bento box.) Right? It’s important to treat ourselves like Royals.
3. Color Your World Fun
Sweets for the Sweets on Girls' Day in Japan
Colorful candies and high-quality chocolates consistently appear in my kitchen. I confess this grownup has an inner child who is very alive and well. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Colors, candy and chocolates bring cheer to a sometimes-bleak world. While I’m in the kitchen baking, David (my husband) will often turn on the TV news. In the middle of hearing about craziness, it’s calming to see beautiful sweets and brightly colored objets d’art.
4. Eat Your Vegetables
Veg Out Hello Kitty Bento
Ferocious sweet tooth though I may be, the fridge is full of veggies. They are not always the most amusing part of the meal. But vegetables are chock full of vitamins and good for you minerals…So, when Life isn’t too sweet, I do my best to embrace the challenge. Reminding myself that I’ll be stronger and healthier on the other side of the experience promotes peace.
5. Permission Granted to Erase the Past
Kawaii (Cute) Japanese Kimono-Clad &
Beckoning Goodness Kitty-Cat Erasers
A pencil is always found in my kitchen. I tend to experiment and enhance American recipes with Japanese plum wine, Japanese yuzu citrus juice and other ingredients from Japan. (For example, Vegan Japanese Plum Wine Donuts and Yuzu Ice Cream.) In the past I’ve corrected penciled-in edits by drawing a line through the note. Finally, I have pretty Japanese erasers to keep cookbook pages a tad neater.
Creative Erasing
Serendipitously, I’ve also been giving myself permission to look at and forgive myself for past errors. The accompanying emotions that follow are not usually very ladylike. Pushing away ugly emotions, however, is like batting a nasty gnat. It takes a lot of energy to keep the darn thing away. Allowing myself to acknowledge anger, jealousy and all those deadly sins actually makes them vanish. After a deep sigh and a hello to the "unwanted" feeling, I ask, “What do you need?”
“A million dollars” or “Be as popular as this other blogger,” will be the inevitable first answer. But the quiet response that follows is usually quite telling…and enriching. At least that’s my experience. Love to hear you share what’s in your kitchen – the heart of the home.
Wishing you the power to find peace in the eye of the storm.
The Ninja Baker © ™ Watkinson 2012 |
The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.