Dance Destiny and French Pastry
Mireille Gineste was dancing before her entrance into this world. 5 months into pregnancy, her tap-dancing mom was on stage.
Southern France – the inspirational spot for Cezanne and Chagall – served as the backdrop for Mireille’s upbringing. Drawn to beauty from early on, she requested ballet classes. The after school curriculum soon included Jazz, Modern and Tap.
Blessed with a knack for dancing and language, at 18, Mireille moved to her American grandmother’s home in Southern California. Fueled by her passion for dance, Mireille worked tirelessly at a dance studio, so she could continue her own training. It paid off.
Just as Hermes Pan, famed choreographer for the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’ films, spotted Juliette Prowse, Mireille was discovered by talent scouts. For over a decade, she traveled and danced alongside celebs like Juliette Prowse and Rip Taylor. However, says Mireille, “After that long of living out of a suitcase, it was time to stop and move on to a new chapter of my life.”
With a desire to explore her French roots and “a very artistic trade which I always admired,” Mireille entered the patisserie program at Cordon Bleu. “I was so proud that from not being able to cook an egg, I was now able to create wedding cakes!”
Her favorite recipe? “Fruit tarts (not pies!) made with pâte sucrée (pastry dough made with sweetened butter) and pastry cream.”
Click here for this recipe recommended by Mireille.
Mireille landed a cushy job as Food and Beverage Supervisor and was responsible for several restaurants in Southern California. “After a few years,” says Mireille, “I was missing dancing and wanted to get back into it without going backwards in my career. Someone mentioned ballroom dancing and the rest is history.”
And what a history! To date, Mireille has won the Hawaii Rising Star and placed number 12 in the nation at the Washington State Pro Open. She just garnered the Top Female Dance Teacher at the Hollywood DanceSport Competition. Plus multiple Pro-Am awards. Her specialties include Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz and Quickstep.
If you’re in the LA area, feel free to reach out to Mireille ( about classes or visit her on Facebook.
フレッド・アステアとジンジャー・ロジャースの映画の有名な振付師であるエルメス・パンがジュリエット・プースにより才能を開花させたようにミレイも才能を見出されスカウトされました。 10年以上にわたり、ミレイは ジュリエット・プースなど様々な有名人と一緒に踊るために旅を続けていました。 しかし、ミレイは旅をやめて、新しい生活を始めることにしました。
彼女のお気に入りのレシピは? 「パテ・シュクレーと呼ばれるバターで作ったペストリー生地とペストリークリームで作ったフルーツタルトです。」
ミレイは、食品および飲料のスーパーバイザーとして仕事に就き、南カリフォルニアのいくつかのレストランを担当しました。 数年後ミレイはダンスを毎日することを恋しくなり、お友達のお勧めで社交ダンスの世界に入りました。
これまでに、ミレーはハワイのライジングスターという大会で優勝し、ワシントン州プロオープンで全米で12位になりました。 彼女はちょうどハリウッド・ダンス・スポーツ・コンクールでトップの女性ダンス教師の地位のトロフィーを獲得しました。 さらに、複数のPro-Am賞を優勝しました。彼女の専門は、ワルツ、タンゴ、フォックストロット、ウィーンのワルツ、クイックステップです。
The Ninja Baker © ™ Watkinson 2012 |
The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.