Valentine's Day

Valentine Fairy Cookies, #Creative Cookie Exchange

Snooping can pay off. I spied a container labeled Fairy Cookies in my cousin-in-law’s kitchen. Turns out the jar held homemade cookie mix that cousin Nancy learned how to make in the third grade! Lucky for me, Nancy had just baked a batch of the fairy cookies. Nibbling Nancy’s freshly baked cookies whirled me back to memories of my grandmother Nona’s baking. There is something magical and comforting about the fairy cookies.

Strawberry Valentine Cake Hearts, #SundaySupper

'Tis the season when cherubs string their bows, aim at the hearts of mortals and watch the merriment of St. Valentine's Day. And sometimes the tears. (Spoken by one whose personal cupid didn't aim quite right until much later in life.)

In addition to the shenanigans of February 14th, my guess is that the chubby-cheeked cherubs are giggling at all the delights food bloggers are concocting for the special day. Especially the foodies who congregate on Twitter at #SundaySupper every week.