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5 Secrets to Serenity and Girl Power, #InMyKitchen

I'm delighted Maureen of OrgasmicChef.com peeked #InMyKitchen and invited me to share. Maureen is the epitome of serenity and girl power. Despite Life’s curve balls, she stands tall. (To read her story go to OrgasmicChef.com.) Maureen also proves her prowess in the kitchen with do-able gourmet-ish dishes and desserts. I’m grateful for Maureen’s inspiration and invite to her #InMyKitchen party.

Serenity and – firmly standing in my feminine self – Girl Power – go hand-in-hand. When I’m being nice to myself, I notice giving to others comes from a fuller place. By the way, Maureen and Japanese (March 3rd) Girls’ Day inspired contemplation of serenity and girl power. (Currently called Children’s Day by those who are especially PC or politically correct.)  So, here are the 5 Secrets to Serenity and Girl Power found in my kitchen.

1. Celebrate Victories…Even the Small Ones.