#Japanese #rice #Thanksgving #Christmas #turkey #riceballs #onigiri #Pretz #Glico

Pick up Happy, #Pretz

“Pick up happy. Pick up Pretz!” So goes the commercial for the popular Japanese savory snack stick.

Pretz is a newcomer on most American market snack aisles. But Japanese have munched on Pretz since 1962. The “lightly salted”  (asari shio) original version is found in US markets.  Hawaii is the exception. The 50th state has a pineapple flavor Pretz in their supermarkets. In Japan, Pretz comes roasted and dipped in soy sauce. A new sweet potato Pretz made its debut in August 2015.

Like its cousins Pocky and Pejoy, the Pretz biscuit snack is kid-friendly. No need to wash greasy, salty potato chip hands after snack time…One of many things to be grateful for when rushing to get Thanksgiving dinner on the table.  I enjoyed an early celebration this year. I giggled to see my nephew and his son, (my great-nephew) sneaking Pretz when they thought Auntie K wasn’t looking!