
Japanese American 4th of July Cupcakes, #Glutino #Giveaway

One of my first jobs in LA upon arrival from Tokyo was a seating hostess at a prestigious Japanese restaurant. I stood at the front with the cashier. My nimble with coins and credit cards colleague was a native Californian. Her parents were born and raised in Japan. As assimilation into America was important, speaking, reading and writing English were encouraged. My cashier friend did pick up snippets of Japanese phrases at home. Her mates and work at school, however, required English. When Japanese customers walked into the restaurant, they’d ask my colleague a question. She’d turn to me and I’d answer. The situation did produce some comical moments.

3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes, #Glutino #Giveaway

Celebrations call for cakes, right? To celebrate my third Glutino Giveaway, I created 3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes. The recipes are simple and the results are splendid. While friends admire your cakes, you may even find yourself saying, “It was nothing.” You will be telling the truth! For a minimum of effort, you’ll get maximum dessert excellence. Warning: Be prepared to assure your friends and family, “Yes! The cakes are really gluten-free!”

3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts, #Glutino#Giveaway

I’ve created 3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts so your schedule can be freed up to cuddle those close to you. And, yes, to free up a bit of time for that pampering you’ve been putting off. So, no more excuses. Make the 3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts and skip off guilt-free to the day spa or to that mani-pedi or to the time-out on the couch to watch the Days of our Lives!