3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes, #Glutino #Giveaway

3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes, #Glutino #Giveaway


Gluten-Free Caramel Pretzel Crumble Chocolate Almond Butter Banana 
Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Polka Dot Chocolate Cake 
Gluten-Free Lavender Chocolate and Japanese Green Tea Matcha Layer Cake


Celebrations call for cakes, right? To celebrate my third Glutino Giveaway, I created 3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes. The recipes are simple and the results are splendid.

Warning: Be prepared to assure your friends and family – “Yes! The luscious cakes are really gluten-free!”

Giveaway details and recipes at NinjaBaker.com.



The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012