Japanese Melon Ice Cream, #SundaySupper

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”
~Winston Churchill (former English Prime Minister)

If one believes the wisdom of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Japan is flawless! Every trip back to my hometown of Tokyo reveals revolutionary change. It’s an odd feeling to be gazing at futuristic architecture. Yet, sensing the familiarity of the surroundings in my bones. Has this ever happened to you?

Japanese temples, shrines and palaces, however, seem to be permanent fixtures. Ditto to the attitude about fruit. Particularly Japanese melons.  Forever the fancy Japanese melons have been fancied and expensive! The melons also figure into corporate and family budgets as reciprocation for generous favors. 

In Japan, the best melon is from Yubari, Hokkaido. If you really want to show your appreciation you give a hybrid Yubari melon. (A mix between a cantaloupe and other melons.) AND presented in a box.

Production of Yubari, Musk, Crown, Prince and all other melon varieties are limited due to Japan’s rugged terrain and climate. Controlled temperature melon hot houses are also costly. Plus, in Japan, slightly bruised or blemished melons are discarded in favor of their more attractive cousins. Less availability, more demand equals high market clamor and value, right?

For those living in Japan and craving melon, there is melon ice cream. (There’s a melon soda, too!) Inspired by Reve de Chef, I created my own version of Japanese melon ice cream. Fresh melon tidbits kiss rich vanilla ice cream. It is the ultimate summertime treat.

Scroll down and you’ll see Japanese Melon Ice Cream is one of many sweets offered for tonight’s nostalgia inspired Sunday Supper. You’ll also see that Coleen of The Red Head Baker has lined up quite a delectable spread. If you’d like to see your dessert or special dish on the SundaySupper table, scroll down for details.

Japanese Melon Ice Cream

Japan melon ice cream

Melon giving is seen as one of the most generous gifts in Japan. Japanese melons are also one of the most expensive fruits in the world. Luckily, the lovely Japanese melon flavor can still be enjoyed in ice cream. (For a lot less money!) Here's a recipe inspired by Reve de Chef.

  • 1 Sugar Kiss Melon
  • 1 Lemon
  • 5 cups vanilla ice cream
  • ½ Honeydew Melon
  • Raspberries, optional garnish
  1. Scoop out the inside of a Sugar Kiss Melon (or your favorite melon.) Discard the seeds. Save the melon juice. With a melon scooper, scoop out Sugar Kiss Melon balls. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Working quickly line the sides of the melon with 2½ cups of vanilla ice cream. (Chocolate or any fruit flavored ice cream would work well, too.) Quickly put the ice cream packed Sugar Kiss Melon into the freezer. Did I mention you need to work quickly? ; )
  3. Discard the seeds and scoop out the Honeydew Melon with a melon scooper. Save the juice.
  4. In a blender, combine the remaining 2½ cups of vanilla ice cream with 3 tablespoons melon juice and 5 tablespoons of melon balls. (Less than 30 seconds.) Pour the melon ice cream into vanilla ice cream lined Sugar Kiss Melon. Freeze overnight.
  5. Garnish with melon balls and raspberries.




Main Dishes

Side Dishes



Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

Wishing you Japanese melons and all things fancy!

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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