Archive of Past Blog Entries

Asian Pear Bread, #TwelveLoaves

A golden skin covers the pale white Asian nashi pear. Dripping succulence and deliciousness, this Japanese apple-pear signals the start of autumn in Japan. In the olden days, the road from the American School in Japan to Tamabochimae train station was lined with mom-and-pop shops. One sold fruit and vegetables. Another sold candy and Japanese rice crackers. Soba shops also lined the path to the train station.  The golden Asian... Read Full Article225

Chocolate Oreo Pocky Cupcakes, Cake, and Morello Cherry Buttercream, #SundaySupper

Summertime is slipping through our hands like fine sand. Just as there is no stopping the waves that roll up on the shore, charging into our lives are the changing seasons. So, why resist? Whether it’s the weather or anything else in our lives, change is inevitable. Why not honor the metamorphosis? The Japanese have done just that for centuries. In Japan, the traditional tatami straw mat family room has a tokonoma – a recessed... Read Full Article226

Cherry Chipotle Ice Cream and Brownies, #NotKetchup

Shall I “dare to disturb the universe?”(T.S. Elliot’s classic poem, The Wasteland.) The answer from the World Wide Web and popular literature (aka social media) screams yes. Dreams are to be followed. Wishes of the heart are to be fulfilled. Even the wise poet/philosopher of the 1800s, Henry David Thoreau penned, “Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased... Read Full Article227

Ninja Notes on Chocolate Marble Cake Baking, #The Cake Slice Bakers

The Cake Slice Bakers are a group of bakers from around the world. Currently, the challenge is to bake one of four preselected Carole Walter's Great Cakes recipes.   Zach's Chocolate Marble Cake was this Ninja Baker's winning choice. Carole Walter’s Great Cakes’ recipes are great teaching tools for baking ninjas who want to improve their skills. Zach’s Chocolate Marble Cake is no exception.... Read Full Article228

Berry Nutty Bento, #SundaySupper

As autumn draws near do you find yourself slowing down or moving faster? Currently, Boulder, Colorado buzzes with the return of college kids. The youthful energy is palpable. Red shopping carts zigzag like bumper cars down the aisles of Target. The scene is reminiscent of Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish markets where quick action is required to snatch the best tuna. Still, as I prepare our newly acquired condo as a haven for responsible executives... Read Full Article229

Quinoa Donburi and Mini Bento, #Beyond Meat

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. I am honored that my friends at Beyond Meat included the Ninja Baker in spreading the word about Beyond Meat Beef-Free Crumbles. Visionaries, Bill Gates (Yes! The Bill Gates of Microsoft) and Twitter co-founders, Biz Stone and Evan Williams are among the investors. CEO & Founder of Beyond Meat, Ethan Brown, is the son of a farmer. Mr. Brown is also an expert in the clean... Read Full Article230

Green Tea and Chocolate Saketini, #SundaySupper

Saving summer harvests and extending the joy of the season is the topic of today's #SundaySupper Twitter chat. (Please scroll down to see your invite to the conversation.) To preserve the pleasures of June harvest Japanese green tea leaves; I created a Green Tea and Chocolate Saketini. The Ninja Baker’s saketini combines a potent combination of whipped cream vodka and sake. Alcohol, I do believe, is the ultimate preserver of premium... Read Full Article231

Easy Japanese Edamame Mexican Rice, #RealFlavor

Japanese edamame are the fun beans you pop out of fuzzy shells at sushi bars. They are the sidekick to the rainbow rolls and other flamboyant presentations.  However, the unassuming little edamame pods deliver star power in the nutrition arena. Japanese edamame: The sidekick dish which deserves a great big spotlight! Photo courtesy of Here’s a quick ABC guide to the benefits of edamame: Vitamin A... Read Full Article232
